Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back to Work and Google Books

Just returned from China, the new Semester has started at Pittsburgh Filmmakers and the ball is rolling on a number of client projects. The G-20 International Summit of World Leaders starts tomorrow in Pittsburgh. To say I am optimistic about the future would be an understatement. I am curious by nature and I try to learn as much as I can about a subject.

Especially one that may impact my business in some way. Google a wonderful and innovative company, I mean who can live with out their favorite search engine or gmail or this blog. Having said that their inovation sometimes has costs and challenges. They are always pushing the envelope and you have got to respect them for that, the question is do they respect me and my fellow writers and visual artists or are we just a source (free) for material to search?

Here is a 3 year old presentation by Lawrence Lessig worth watching especially the last few minutes. After you watch this stay tuned we will continue the conversation.

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